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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Cartas e Epístolas. Mostrar todas as mensagens
Cartas a um jovem poeta. Rainer Maria Rilke. Contexto, 2001. ISBN: 9789725751060. Capa mole, 12x21cm, 92p. Como novo.
€ 8,50
Cartas a Maria e outra correspondência inédita. Mário de Sá-Carneiro. Quimera, 1992. ISBN: 9789725890288. Capa mole, 15,5x23,5cm. 142p. Como novo.
€ 15,00
Cartas de Jack London. Jack London, Ana Barradas (Sel., Notas, Trad.). Antígona, 2001. ISBN: 9789726081395. Capa mole, 13,5x21cm, 384p. Muito bom estado.
€ 15,00

Jack London has long been recognized as one of the most colorful figures in American literature. From his birth in San Francisco in 1876 until his death in 1916, he lived a life rich with experiences and emotional intensity. Factory worker at 14; able-bodied seaman at 17; hobo and convict at 18; "Boy Socialist" of Oakland at 19; Klondike argonaut at 21; the "American Kipling" at 24, renowned author, social crusader, journalist, and war correspondent at 28; world traveler and adventurer at 31; prize-winning stock-breeder and scientific farmer at 35; self-made millionaire by the time of his death at 40: the facts became a legend in London's own lifetime.

In less than 20 years, London produced some 500 non-fiction pieces, 200 short stories, and 19 novels (over 50 books in all). Of these books, at least three (The Call of the Wild, White Fang, and The Sea Wolf) have become world classics. London is America's most widely translated authors (into more than 80 languages), and although his works have been neglected until recently by academic critics, he is finally winning recognition as a major figure in American literary history.
Comprising 1,554 carefully annotated letters, this three-volume work is the first full-scale, comprehensive collection of London't correspondence. The image that emerges from London's letters is of an unpretentious, often sensitive human being, extraordinarily open and sometimes brutally candid. He was capable of writing deeply moving, poetic love letters, but he was also capable, when writing to or about those he considered enemies, of a dark bitterness and vicious invective. Like most of his published work, many of his letters ware simply good reading, written with his characteristic verve and blunt wit.
Correspondência (1933-1958). José Régio. António Sérgio. Câmara Municipal de Portalegre, 1994. Capa mole, 15x21cm, 128p. Muito bom estado. € 15,00
Novos contos do Gin, seguidos de alguma fábulas do próximo futuro. Mário-Henrique Leiria. Estampa, 2ª edição 1978. Capa mole, 13,5x18,5cm, 222p. Bom estado.
€ 17,50

Cartas que me foram devolvidas. António Botto, Edições Paulo Guedes, 1ª edição 1932. Capa mole, 12,5x18cm, 208p. Envelhecido. Muito bom estado.
€ 100,00

Pacheco versus Cesariny. Luiz Pacheco. Estampa, 1974. Capa mole, 13,5x18,5cm, 352p. Como novo.
€ 80,00
António Nobre. Correspondência. Guilherme de Castilho (Org.). Portugália, 1ª edição 1967. Capa mole, 15x22cm 388p. Bom estado.
€ 30,00

António Nobre. Correspondência. Guilherme de Castilho (Org.). INCM, 1982. Capa mole, 15x22cm, 568p. Bom estado.
€ 17,50

Correspondência Sophia de Mello Breyner e Jorge de Sena. Cartas e Epístolas. Jorge de Sena, Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen. Guerra & Paz, 1ª edição, 2006. ISBN: 9789898014030. Capa dura, 15,5x23,5cm, 160p. Como novo.
€ 22.50 (Vendido)
Cartas sem moral nenhuma. Cartas e Epístolas. Manuel Teixeira Gomes. Portugália, 4ª edição 1958. Capa mole, 13x19,5cm, 240p. Envelhecido. Bom estado.
€ 8,00